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Webinar: Virtual Launch of the WINS International Best Practice Guide: Advancing Gender Parity in Nuclear Security

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WINS held a webinar on Virtual Launch of the WINS International Best Practice Guide: Advancing Gender Parity in Nuclear Security on 23 March. The objective of this webinar was to discuss and demonstrate the importance of best practices in advancing gender parity in nuclear security, including opportunities, lessons learned and the way forward from a first-person point of view.

The webinar was facilitated by Rhonda Evans, Lead for the WINS Gender Champions Programme. Our special guests for the webinar included:

  • E. Ms Kjersti Andersen, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Norway to the International Organisations in Vienna;
  • Mr Lars van Dassen, Executive Director of WINS;
  • Mr Duncan Worsell, MBE, Chief Superintendent UK Civil Nuclear Constabulary;
  • Ms Margaryta Rayets, Women in Nuclear, Ukraine.

Further information on the webinar can be found here.

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