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Webinar: Identifying Opportunities for Gender Diversity in Radioactive Source Security

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WINS held a webinar on Identifying Opportunities for Gender Diversity in Radioactive Source Security on 18 November 2020. In Part 2 of the webinar series, experts in radioactive source security shared their experience in identifying opportunities for career growth, training and certification for different roles and functions related to radioactive source security. The webinar was co-moderated by Rhonda Evans, Lead for the WINS Gender Champions Programme and Ms Patricia Godoy Kain, an international expert in radioactive source security. Our special guests for the webinar were:

  • Mr Christian Elechosa, Argentina Regulatory Authority
  • Ms Primerose Ruhukwa, Radiation Protection Authority of Zimbabwe
  • Mr Armando Macias, Director – Radiaciȯn Aplicada a la Industria (RAISA) – Mexico
  • Ms Euridice Rioja, Head of Radiation Safety and Security – Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición "Salvador Zubirán" – Mexico

Further information on the webinar can be found here.

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