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Workshop on Designing and Implementing Performance Evaluation Programmes for Physical Protection Systems

11 July 2023 - 13 July 2023 Vienna, Austria

Applications for this event are closed
Workshop on autonomous and remotely operated systems: Benefits and challenges to nuclear security


In the nuclear security realm, performance evaluation programmes involve methodologies and tools that are utilised for assessing, testing and exercising physical protection capabilities to mitigate threats of theft and sabotage at nuclear facilities. Most of the nuclear organisations in the world do not have a robust performance evaluation programme nor requirement in placed. WINS and DOE NNSA believe it is vital for all nuclear facilities and competent authorities to consider implementing performance evaluation programmes. Indeed, an operator can demonstrate their physical protection measures effectively and meet its obligations only through measuring performance.

In collaboration with experts from the DOE/NNSA’s Office of International Nuclear Security’s Performance Evaluation Functional Team, WINS will therefore organise and conduct a 3-day international workshop on the fundamental aspects of performance evaluation for security measures implemented at nuclear facilities, focusing mainly on its methods and approaches, its main elements, how to analyse the data produced by it and its main gaps and challenges.


The workshop has the following objectives:

  • To explain why it is important to measure the performance of security measures;
  • To describe the role of a performance evaluation programme in providing assurances that security measures in place are adequate;
  • To describe the areas, procedures, methods, and approaches of a performance evaluation;
  • To explain how to adopt and implement a performance evaluation programme at a nuclear facility;
  • To share lessons learned and adopt international best practices on performance evaluation.

This workshop will describe the fundamentals of a performance evaluation programme, giving participants the basic knowledge for them to eventually understand how to develop and implement it in their own facilities. This will include an in-depth explanation of what a performance evaluation is, what are their methods and approaches, how to analyse the data produced, what is the infrastructure needed to develop it, and how to develop and implement a performance evaluation.

The workshop will present practical information and international guidance on performance evaluation tools, as well as examples of regulatory requirements, personnel, training recommendations, and programme sustainability factors. The course will also provide methodologies for conducting practical personnel, procedures, and equipment testing, to include component, subsystem and system level testing.

Finally, throughout the 3 days, participants will work on case studies, will use hypothetical facilities, and will be presented with demonstrations and opportunities for hands-on participation.


The workshop will be open to up to 40 participants from around the world.

The main target audience for this workshop is:

  • Security managers and other representatives from nuclear operating organisations
  • Nuclear regulators
  • Representatives of law enforcement agencies involved in the protection of nuclear facilities and other critical infrastructures
  • Security vendors and consultants

The workshop will specifically target personnel with responsibilities on nuclear security and performance evaluation measures. 

Participants from developing countries and females will be encouraged to participate.

The project will be designed in line with gender parity, inclusion, and diversity principles. The subject matter experts will be selected based on their expertise and not subject to any stereotypes about their expertise based on their gender, years of experience or background. WINS will use language and select images that ensure that this training course is attractive to a diverse audience and does not explicitly or implicitly exclude the participation of a diverse audience. WINS will also apply the principles of inclusion for the guidance given to the trainers to ensure that during the event all views are represented and opinions heard. At least 40% has been set as the target for female speakers and female participants.

Participants will be expected to meet their own costs for travel and accommodation. Travel assistance is available but limited and based on need.


The workshop will be moderated by a professional facilitator, and it will be held in English, with no translation.

This event will be interactive built around a number of presentations from invited expert speakers, as well as plenary and small group discussions that enabled participants to further explore the topic and share their experience and lessons learned.

Operators, regulators, law enforcement and other experts with real life experience will be invited to share their experience and lessons learned.

The event will include videos and sessions of live testing of detection equipment.

An instant electronic voting system (Mentimeter) will allow  participants to provide their views on questions put to the workshop by anonymously registering their opinions using a keypad.

The discussion will only cover unclassified matters and will be subject to Chatham House rules (what is said can be reported, but not attributed).

Date: 11-13 July 2023, 09:00-17:00 CEST each day

Language: English

Location: Wolke 19, Vienna, Austria 

Contact Information

   Tomás Bieda

   Tatjana Todic


Wolke 19 in Ares Tower
Donau-City-Strasse 11
1220 Vienna