
In partnership with the VII Pan-American Conference on Non-destructive Testing (VII PANNDT) WINS held a one-day joint international workshop on 23 October, aiming at considering the best practices to reduce the threat of theft of radioactive sources used in industrial radiography and oil well servicing company operations.
Numerous industries use radioactive sources for essential operations, including aerospace, automotive, casting & forging, chemical & petroleum, construction, food processing, metals & non-metals and pipelines. Thousands of these sources are in use for well-logging and industrial radiography around the world, and many are moved on an almost daily basis from one jobsite to another. Given their vast number, their portability, and the frequency with which they are transported, these sources are potentially vulnerable to being lost or stolen.
Clearly, companies whose radioactive sources are integral to their work need to put a comprehensive risk mitigation programme in place for their sources. Such a programme should include well-maintained physical protection provisions supplemented by sustainable procedures, training requirements for staff and exercises involving response arrangements with law enforcement agencies. These companies should also understand and comply with the regulatory requirements governing the security of radioactive sources in every jurisdiction in which they operate. They should be aware of best security practices in their area and commit to continuous security improvement.
This workshop discussed the best security practices already in place by industrial radiography and oil service companies; considered the various aspects for the security of mobile radioactive sources, which incorporates elements of deterrence, detection, delay and response; and provided ideas on how a security programme can properly integrate people, procedures and security technology. It also considered the opportunities and challenges in tracking and monitoring radioactive sources during transport.
Key areas covered included:
- Credible threats to radioactive sources,
- Characteristics of industrial radiography and well logging sources impacting the need for security,
- Roles and responsibilities of industrial radiography and oil and service companies, nuclear regulators and other State agencies in ensuring effective security of radioactive sources,
- International recommendations and examples of national requirements for the security of radioactive sources,
- Security measures for sources at main storage places and at work fields,
- Security of radioactive sources during transport,
- The role of tracking and monitoring equipment and other technologies in improving the security of radioactive sources used in the industrial radiography and well logging applications
The workshop was professionally facilitated and was delivered by WINS with the support of regional and international subject matter experts. The course was conducted in English with the support of English/Spanish interpretation and drew only on unclassified information.
Organisations that use radioactive sources for industrial radiography and well logging purposes,
Radioactive source device manufacturers and service (maintenance) companies,
Regulatory authorities and law enforcement agencies,
Professional associations and international organisations,
Security vendors and experts, especially those involved in the tracking and monitoring of the movement of radioactive sources.
Participation in the joint workshop was limited to 45 delegates..
Partnership with the VII PANNDT
This one-day long workshop was held during the VII Pan-American Conference on Non-destructive Testing (VII PANNDT) as a parallel event to the main conference programme. The VII PANNDT took place from 21 to 24 October 2019. Other days of the conference did not cover security matters. Further information on the VII PANNDT can be found here:
WINS and the Mexican National Institute for Nuclear Research (ININ) had a joint booth during the VII Panamerican NDT Conference from 21 to 24 October.